
Chapter 30

11:11 AM

She had a sense of humor, that one, he’d thought somewhat sourly while straightening the cuff links she had left for him on the dresser. They were white gold Frankenstein’s Monster heads. He had blanched when he had first seen them, and would perhaps never have worn them at all if not for her taunting him. “Its  by Stephen Webster Arnav. Does that make them more wearable for you?” Arnav had thrown her a dark look and then slid the cuff links in through the slits in his french white shirt that was almost monkish in its simplicity - if not for the superb tailoring. His was a charcoal Burberry two piece, of virgin wool. A straight pants with sharp creases encased the long, runners’ legs and a jacket with notched lapels emphasized his lean built. Arnav believed in classic styles, and stuck to them, much to Khushi’s amusement. Maybe it was the loss of wealth that he had suffered in his late teens that made him cling to his style more. You don’t know what you have until its gone after all. For Khushi, it had been the opposite. Maybe because she hadn’t seen what he had before. Maybe that made her more complex and him more…. boxed in? He shrugged, tying on a Grey and Charcoal Purple lace printed tie in an Eldredge knot on his neck. Arnav didn't like the tie. To him, even the muted color was too… bright. Too hip. It made him feel conspicuous for all the wrong reasons, but Khushi had snickered, and won. “An Alexander McQueen, Arnav. Don’t tell me that you won’t wear his ties!” She won too often these days… and he didn't care to examine why that was exactly. Arnav straightened the offending tie, unaware that even the tie couldn't take away from him the air of a turn of the century french priest (albeit a sexy one) - a fact that would have appalled Mr. Raizada had he known it. Even the black Breil chronograph watch submitted to the air of restraint and turn of the century understated glamour. Arnav found himself tugging on that same knot he tied so carefully some hours ago as he looked at the hotel. This wasn’t his first hotel but somehow, this was the hotel he had invested most in emotionally and it was a thought that terrified him.

The Frankenstein’s Monsters head glinted in the light of the overhead chandeliers as he strode from guests to guests, playing the perfect host who probably gave a damn. Serving drinks, remembering names, asking after family members - all the while his eyes sought hers. After the initial hitch in her game, she had slid smoothly into the role of the gracious hostess. In fact, so skillfully had she slotted into that role that Arnav had barely seen her and for some reason, her eyes avoided his even while she stood right next to him, singing praises of the new chef, the trainer at the gym, the bakery, the bar - even the barista didn’t explain her litany of praises. Naivedyam was a hit too - or so it seemed. The sweets were flying off the shelves, both the complementary ones and those she had up for sale. It was going so well! Arnav knew he should be excited and the long line of businessmen in his blood danced kathak on a calculator at the interest and the buzz created around the hotel but, the man in him was… wary. It was not everyday that he was torn in two and maybe that’s why he found it so hard to do what came so naturally to him, everyday. Arnav looked up to see her dart around, smiling. Something felt unsettled about tonight. He couldn’t wait for it to end so that they could pack up and go back to Delhi, as soon as they could. Mumbai wasn’t his town.

She had seen him. Him. What was he doing here? Her eyes searched the hall over and over. Her breath coming in short gasps.  There she had been, thinking about finally breaking free of the gilded cage that her life had become- and as she’d glanced up there he’d been. As if he was an Angel, sent by the Gods. Her good luck charm. The go-ahead that she’d been waiting for. She resisted the hysterical urge to laugh that bubbled up her throat, and turned towards the door again, her fingers fisting the silk of her pallu as she searched for him. How could someone so broken as her, still have such hope in her heart, she wondered. and yet, her eyes still desperately roved the hall for a glimpse of him. Could she even think about him? Could she be allowed to? After what she had done? After how she had trampled all over his heart… over both their hearts? She could still remember the beautiful way his Mocha eyes crinkled when he laughed. The little jolt she had learned to expect every time that slight dimple in his left cheek flashed. She could still hear the desperate plea in his low voice when he had asked her to come away with him… be his forever… assuring her that he would go to the ends of the Earth to keep her happy. Oh, she had believed him. He probably still would go to the ends of the Earth for her, but was she deserving of such a gift when all she had done was to walk away from him over and over and over again?

“Payal,” she turned as she heard the despised voice behind her. He was already weaving on his feet, the bastard, she thought frowning up at her respectable husband who was already quite drunk. “Take the Car home. I will be late tonight.” He frowned and then belched, as she stared at him a moment longer, “Now.” The menace in his voice sending an involuntary shudder up her spine, even as she fought against the panic mingled with fear that raised its ugly head inside of her. Would she never be able to live without feeling like this? And her resolve strengthened. She would. Starting now.

As she wordlessly turned and walked away from her soon to be ex-husband, her eyes caught a movement outside. There they were again, the couple she’d been watching earlier. The love between them was a tangible thing, even from where she stood. The soft smile that the woman offered the man, as he tenderly tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, before touching his lips to her forehead was just that. Pure Love. The kind she had experienced with him once. The kind that she had longed for these three heart breaking years. The kind only her Prince could give her. And the last barrier inside Payal broke. As she strode out the doors of the Raizada Royale, she knew that she was going after what her heart had wanted since that day four years ago in a small cafe, when she had met the mate of her soul. It was time to live happily like she had always deserved. And if she had to win him over again, then so be it.

Five minutes later found her firmly ordering her ex-husband’s driver to go home park the car and leave, without her. Her tone heeding no arguments from him, and the flash of temper in her eyes as he started to object stopping him mid-way.

She watched the expensive car drive away, a sneer curling her lip as she thought of the soulless creature that had bought it for the last time, and turned to the road.

And then, her eyes snagged the gold and mocha ones that had been watching her for some time now. Her heart leaped, soared, then settled back in the place it had always belonged to. Finally. She was home.

This really was a very well thought out hotel launch, Anjali thought caressing the jewel colored drapes of Nauvari sarees that had been used instead of normal canopy materials to line the great hall. It was a traditional Maharastrian saree and Anjali was smart enough to understand its blatant mass appeal even while admiring its beauty. Someone very savvy had blended the two seamlessly and she admired that. She wondered if the much enthused Khushi K. Gupta had anything to do with the decor. Anjali didn’t keep up with the famous and the limelight lovers, but she had to be quite deaf and blind not to know about the Raizada and his right hand man, or woman in this case. The name had jumped at her in the passing when she was at Delhi some time back. Some supermodel scandal with the young Mr. Raizada and speculations. The usual page 3 blatherings really. She had dropped the paper without looking at it again. Her mother’s family were Raizadas, too so, she had briefly wondered if he was a distant cousin of sorts but had never bothered to look into it any further. What was the point? Family was a thing of the past to her. There it would stay for the rest of her earthly days.

Anjali looked around searching for her husband. He had wanted her to really meet Khushi Gupta and had run off to fetch her.  Anjali had no fears concerning him or her, she knew Shyamji too well but what piqued her curiosity was how highly he spoke of her. It was not like Shyamji to enthuse over anything. She watched as her husband darted about, looking around for the elusive Ms. Gupta when someone else came into her view. It was young Mr. Raizada himself. Courtesy dictated that she went up to her host and thanked him for a lovely party and it most certainly  had been one. Plus, it would give her an opportunity to observe the younger man closely. He made her… curious.

Anjali slowly sauntered towards the younger man with a polite smile pasted on her face. The young man in question was surveying what lay before him in a very lord of the manor-ish manner, lips stretched in a smile that didn’t quite reflect in his eyes. She politely tapped him on the shoulders and when he turned around, she smiled.

“Namaste Mr. Raizada, it’s lovely to meet you. I’m Mrs. Jha. I’ve heard a lot about you and your lovely partner from my husband, Shyam Manohar Jha? He speaks…. oooooomph!”

Her breath came out in spurts when the younger man’s eyes widened and he pulled her by her arm through the crush, through the writhing bodies, the congregating chatters, through the waiters carrying drinks and the women handing out free Naivedyam mithais, completely unnoticed in the swing of the party. He kept dragging her until she was pulled behind a thick grecian column near the amrapali pool she had admired so much not quite half an hour ago. Anjali was outraged. She sputtered, thinking of all she would tell him, and then Shyamji when this was over. Really? She understood that the younger crowd had a rather casual outlook towards life but this was… this was an outrage! She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind and damn the torpedoes when a vulnerable sound broke from his lips and froze her blood, and her words in mid-tirade.


NK watched her walk towards him. He’d needed a few minutes to gather his thoughts, and he’d walked out for a breath of fresh air. To steady himself against the blow that his heart would be getting as the night wound its way toward its end. He would once again see her walking away from him. Knowing that she was miserable and helpless to do anything about it. He’d just closed his eyes to the sparkling night in front of him, when he’d heard her. He had turned and seen her standing there, eyes flashing, lips pursed, nose flaring as she bullied the already cowering driver to go without her. He’d watched as she had tossed the the garish coloured pallu of her saree over her shoulder as if to free the hand that had been trapped under its weight, she had turned her back to the Hotel in a decidedly firm way, as if she never wanted to go back to the place again- and then she had looked straight at him.

His breath had caught somewhere in his chest, as he’d met those coal-black eyes and held. He could have sworn a current sparked between them, as her chin came up. She had started walking towards him, with deliberate slow steps, and he saw a new strength in those eyes. He couldn’t have moved even if he’d wanted to, as he watched her destroy the distance between them- again with a decided finality- and take his hand in her much smaller one as she finally reached him.  

He looked down at their entwined hands and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He looked into her eyes again, closing his mouth- trying to decide how to react. Should he crush her to himself? Throw her over his shoulder and make a run for it? Or be polite and ask how she was? Or should he kiss her full tempting lips and to hell with the consequences? In all the mess that was his mind, only one thing was clear to him- he couldn’t leave her hand, even if his life depended on it. He wouldn’t. And as he recognized this fact, his grip on her hand tightened. You’re not getting away from me tonight, love, his eyes told her, not without killing me first.

The smile that had been playing on her lips widened, and she stepped into his warmth, as her other hand came up to lightly caress his cheek. Her head tipped back as her nose delicately nuzzled his. Her breath washed over his lips as she whispered for him alone, “Take me home, love.

He didn’t know how they got to his apartment. He had a vague impression of driving back with her hand always touching him. Caressing his thigh as he changed gears, firmly gripping his hand as he steered the car towards their destination. Always in contact with him. As if reassuring him as well as herself that it was not a dream. That this was real.

Now he closed the door to the flat and turned to face her. Watching as her eyes hungrily roved over his face. As she strode towards him, her hands stroking and petting his chest as she gently pushed him back against the door. His hands came to rest on her waist, as she rose on her tiptoes, her eyes falling closed, as she rested her full soft lips against his. And a shudder rippled through him. All the thoughts, concerns, questions, doubts that had been buzzing around his mind, muddling him- were thrown out the window. All he cared about, really cared about, was the woman in his arms. His woman.

His hands gripped her waist tighter, his lips opening under hers, capturing hers urgently. He pushed away from the door, turning them only to change their positions. He trapped her against the door, as his lips scored her jawline, caressed her cheek, licked up a path to her earlobe, nibbled lightly on it. His fingers etched feather light circles over the quivering flesh of her exposed belly, even as she whispered his name over and over again, like a prayer. Her trembling hands cupped his cheeks, her mouth opening as she claimed his lips again. Her teeth biting on his lower lip, her tongue soothing, laving, licking into his mouth. A possessive growl was ripped from his chest as he yanked her to himself, bending to scoop her slender form into his arms, never breaking the kiss as he strode inside the house.

She sighed, as they came up for air, his lips traveled her cheek, down her neck as he moved over her. His hands busied themselves in pulling out the ugly garish saree that covered her. Each and every trembling touch stoking the wildfire inside her. Her hands stroked his back, pulled his shirt out, travelled under it… her nails gently scoring his back. She smiled as another shudder racked his big lean body. And then his lips were there again. Claiming her. Possessing her. Purifying her.

She didn’t realize when their clothes were shook off. But she did remember the electricity that zipped up and down her spine when she felt his skin on hers. His warmth drenching her soul. She remembered his groan when she kissed his neck, when she rolled him over and rolled on top of him. She remembered his trembling hands cupping her cheeks, stroking her hair back from her face, as he smiled at her, brought her down for yet another kiss. Whispered his love. Over and over again.  

And then she could not wait any longer. She wanted all of him. Forever. But when she had moved to take him, he stopped her.

“Payal…” he had whispered, his hands framing her face, his eyes boring into hers. “Are you sure you want this, sweetheart?”

And this, she had thought, is why I fell in love with you. She had smiled, bent down to kiss him. To burn away all the doubts. To reassure him. And he had smiled back. His eyes shone, with equal parts of relief as well as love, as he moved over her once again. She watched as he took care of her protection. Smiled as he parted her thighs, and sighed as he entered her.

They were, finally, one.

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  1. OMG...you guys updated and have not forgotten about these beautifully complex characters.

    Arnav recognizes his Di and you two stopped With the cliff hanger?

  2. Sorry was not done yet.

    Beautiful, scintillating, lavish launch party with the sexy host taking my breath away. Where is Khushi and Mr Jha? Missed them.

    Best of all way Payal's resolve to walk away from her scum bag husband and toward the love of her life.

  3. wow, loved the update dear. it has been so long still gives me the same feelings when i read ur writings. loved payel has taken a strong yet confident move towardslove and life. anjali and arnav met at last. cant wait to read the next update.i want to see the siblings emotions .

  4. Oh! This came as surprise...
    Just few days back, I was thinking about #SoG only while driving... :p
    I was thinking about the day Gargee Di scraped me about the twitter account...
    Last time I was not having blog I guess.....
    But this time... I am In. Commenting... Hehehe...
    I was waiting for this party from the day I have the read the part in which Jha's got invitation...
    Everybody's turn came...
    1st Arnav and his so called inner voices... Hehe... :p
    Then Payal...
    And Anjali and then NK...
    Congo for NK and Payalia.... God bless themm..
    But what about Khushi??
    Arnav getting Anjali back in his life can turn Khushi in two ways.....
    Arnav will get his only family... But Khushi is his family...
    Par jo ho raha hai.....
    What if Khushi thought that Arnav will not need her anymore??
    Lets see what u have planned!
    I will be waiting....
    Take Care

  5. Pinch me!! You guys updated and Arnav found his Di!! But will the Jhas and Raizada- Gupta be okay? What will it be for them a happy reunion or a turbulent shock? I'm happy Payal resolved and finally ditched her pathetic husband. Now she and NK can find their happiness. I'm aware of the hitches in their path but at least now they have started.
    What should I say.. I'm happy for the chapter guys but the curiosity to know more about the siblings is killing me... :) :)

  6. Loved this update and you guys are back... yay.. me happy dancing

    Me curious of whats bothering Khushi... hope at the end of this day and back to normal life that won't be something serious... fingers crossed... Arnav agreeing to Khushi a lot these days... :) it had to happen right

    Oh my Payal finally braving it and deciding to leave Akash... its high time all her people just care for money and status no one cares for her feelings... glad she took that step... it may have a lot of drama but it had to start some where... and she found NK... oh I am so happy for them and they finally found each other...

    Anjali has given up her past and doesn't think she will ever meet anyone from her family... well shes in for a surprise... Arnav's uneasiness was probably about this... he finally met his sister... but you guys left it there... now update soon don't leave us with this cliff hanger

    Twitter-@supernapk, IF - napk

  7. wohoo! happy u guys are back! loved the update!! :))
    thank god payal left that scumbag at last!!! soo happy! u know i do love a good cliffhanger at times ... but u cant do this! not when it comes to arnav finally meeting di and after waiting for what felt like year! :(

    Other than that THANK U for being back and writing.. and cant wait to read the next chap!! :D

  8. It is so good to see you guys back.
    Arnav finally saw his di..But I can't believe you guys actually stopped there..I am waiting for their conversation..
    I am so happy that Payal is back with the right man..I just want her to show Akash his true place when he is in his senses..

  9. *still rubbing my eyes*

    You guys actually came back! And left us with a cliff-hanger! *sigh*
    It is a powerful and engaging story you tell, that has us hooked for so long, even with chapters being so sporadic now.
    Finish it, pretty please?

  10. hey I love this story, I joined twitter only for this particular story, thanks

  11. So glad to be able to read a new update. Love this story, it's so captivating. Brilliant update.

    But I have to admit Payal stole the show, she was the one who really stood out for me in this update, her new found confidence, her decision to live for herself again was so good to read about. Love her. She's lived a shit life for too long now. She deserves happiness and live according to her heart. :)

    Thanks for the update.


  12. after a long time.....i really loved the whole part...though it had less arhi and more payal-Nk....but still it was fab!!!!
    finally arnav met his Di.....i just can't wait for the foursome to meet!!!!...
    they way you described arnav dressing was nice.....
    also payal and Nk are ready to fight for their love against every odd!!!!
    plz update soon!!!!!!!!

  13. So glad to see an update & it was a wonderful one . The beginning was just perfect - really like the small things that go on between Arnav & Khushi . & absolutely great that Arnav met Anjali ( cannot wait to read more about that ) and Payal left Akash !!

  14. Eeeeee!!!! Arnav and Anjali! THAT'S what I've been waiting for desperately every chapter! Phir?! Phir?! Aage kya hua??!!

  15. Fianlly!! It actually IS Di! How exciting!! She doesn't recognise Arnav. Okayy! Can't wait to find out more!!

    Talk about writing love making scenes....you guys are excellent at it. Beautifully written :D

  16. Thank-you sooo much for continuing with this story. :)
    Love you.

  17. I read the whole story today. Took me the whole day. This is amazing. I am going to stalk the page for updates

  18. loved the update,,,,
    atlast arnav and anjali meets
    nk and payal are together now
    cant wait the story to start now

  19. Loved this story very much. You have written it so nicely. Arnav met his Di and recognized her. I am so happy for NK and Payal. I hope they will be together from now on. Please continue this story. Would love to know what happens next... when will you update the next chapter?


  20. I knew it was incomplete. This story.I knew I shouldnt have started to read knowing I would feel real bad when I would want to read more and I cannot.But I couldn't help it somehow.And now I'm stuck again with yet another incomplete story wondering about what happens next for the coming week atleast.
    I hope u get time to finish what u guys started.Do update.Its been more than a year

  21. It is a beautiful story. Please do not abandon it. Do find some time to update the next chapter.

  22. Oh I'm so glade you guys updated this story .... You should publish a book on this .. Yes I mean it .. It's that good ..
    I'm very much excited to see and read about Anjali's reaction to Arnav's "Di"... And also how Khushi is going to react about this knowing that now Arnav had someone of his own .. His very own blood n family ...
    Hope you guys update soon again

  23. Shit ! This ff is still continued ? Really ? Omfg i'm so effing happy! I'd read this till chap 28 on IF and then i thought you had discontinued this...but then Bam ! I found this and can't express how happy i am that this masterpiece of work continued ! I'm so in love this FF. From the story , to the characterization , everything is fu**inh amazing....and so unique !I just can't wait to read more of this...i'm literally desperate , trust me !Hope you update soon again...

  24. i just found this story yesterday, and i read it all in one go... the story transported me to another world... and i couldn't stop reading .... i could almost feel the ambiance as you explained everything so beautifully, so intricately... 3 couples, all so different from the original, but oh so original in their own rights... i have hope that you would update soon with, seeing your pattern of updates so far.. i started reading this in India-forums actually, and was so disappointed when it ended with chapter 12 update there, but for some reason i just Google 'Shades of Grey' and voila i found the blog.. you wouldn't believe how relieved i felt that you continued the story and it was not one of those stories that had been dropped halfway... you guys, your writing is so intrinsically rich and somehow weaves a charm around us the readers... be it when you are describing Anjali's elegant attire or Khushi's modern one... Each and every character has a strong core, strong personality.. and i am waiting eagerly to see how you make all of them realize their own potential... I will keep an eye-out constantly for your update...

  25. Read the parts I missed in one go and loved them a lot. Please update soon. Thanks

  26. wow , what an update , just checked my email after ages and came across this ....so glad that i read it...finally everything seems to be working out.....continue soon

  27. Re read it in one go! hope you update it soon!

  28. Found this story 2 days ago......started checkin Arhi stories again after a while n this was one recommended by Meera n SJ.

    Must say it's a a very intriguingly written story n the character r very well carved. U have given each character much needed depth n reason to be who they r .

    The back n forth play is very delicate woven but my most favorite part of the entire tale is the perspective of same situation by each character involved. It's a visual treat to see the family I Alex press ion n body language play along with enticing written surrounding n attires.

    I can only imagine the amount of work that has gone into creating these characters n story. It's truly one of a kind n u both have done full justice to each n every character of this ff.

    My fav character after arnav n khushi used to be nk but ur, meera's n sj's story had made me love shyam, anjali, payal n nk even more.....along with few new characters.

    U gave new dimensions to Akash n it's quite n interesting twist.

    I m so glad I started reading it n request u to pls continue u
    to take it to its best finale.

    Eagerly waiting to read it further as n when u update. Pls do include me in ur email list.

    Avid reader

    PS. U shud publish this just like SJ's The Filigreed Sun. Oh BTW I like the same mentioned in the different jewellery description.

    If u speak to Meera, pls do let her know I m looking fwd to her next. N Smriti's as well. The emerald isle n The sabre chronicles were a treat for readers.cnt wait to c what is next.

  29. Jus came across this story 3 days back
    And I read all the 30 chps in a go
    So interesting...each word penned down so beautifully, each emotions stated so clearly and the huge depth behind each relation was done so amazingly that all I can say is the you're an awesomeeee writer
    This is certainly the first time I've liked all the three couples equally
    Be it arnav khushi,shyam anjali or nk payal
    You've done an amazinging job!!!

    Loved the whole concept!!!

    Hope to read next chp real soon!

    Finally the long lost brother sister reunion will be very interesting to read about
    And also how will anjali presence influence arshi relationship...I'm sure it'll be in a good way

    Loved it to bitsss!!!

    Amazinggg update!!!

  30. Hiii..
    I started reading this story almost two years ago.....not only this one but also memories of a butterfly,second chances etc...I was very much disappointed when the stories I loved stuck to nowhere....n the writer I adored vanished.....now after a long time ,upon curiosity I again searched for the story....n I’m blessed with 4 whole amazing chapters....thanks gargee....I would love to read whatever u write....I don’t know when will u update the next chapter...but will b waiting...be it a month..b it an year...whatever...
    N in the last 4 new chapters i read,what caught my heart still is a “ broken di......”
    Please continue when u have free time....

  31. You have updated ater a year according to the readers...that is some following! So, I suppose this 6 month time since your last update should not be an off-putter right?

    I'm also an optimist as are your other readers & hope you will continue to write till completion! Fascinating story of the coming together of estranged souls in different contexts yet sharing some past & present! All 3 are endearing, but Shyam's & Anjali's story stand out for their steadfastness of emotion!
    NK is sweet as a lover as well as a friend! Arnav is one lost soul not yet able to name the bond between Khushi & him, now that he has found his Di what will happen to this equation he shares with Khushi?

  32. its a beautiful story ..beautifully written..I just could not stop reading onIF once i started ...please continue and don't drop it midway

  33. Oh come'on Ms.Gargee..please update its been an year since the last update..please do mercy on our waiting , every month I come here with hopes of update and those are shattered into pieces..its such a beautifully written story and it has every right of a proper ending..since 4years with the first update I'm there in IF or here waiting for future updates..please show us some courtesy either by updating or by a author's note stating that your not completing this beautiful fan fiction...please respond waiting for it since March 23 2014.

  34. Oh come'on Ms.Gargee..please update its been an year since the last update..please do mercy on our waiting , every month I come here with hopes of update and those are shattered into pieces..its such a beautifully written story and it has every right of a proper ending..since 4years with the first update I'm there in IF or here waiting for future updates..please show us some courtesy either by updating or by a author's note stating that your not completing this beautiful fan fiction...please respond waiting for it since March 23 2014.

  35. Is there anyway to get hold of these two writers ????
    Atleast gv us a note or something that when u will update guys or r u even planning to continue it....
    gargee u haven't updated memory of butterfly in ages it's really nice plz dnt leave it plz finish that story too plzzzz
    kch to btao yrr v deserve that mch at least

  36. Beautiful update! Read it from the beginning again for continuity!

  37. Plz plz update its amazing. Story.
    plz plz plz update

  38. no matter how many years pass, we will still be waiting for updates on this. Hope you somehow, sometime decide to finish this.... its like a part of our lives are yet incomplete....with no DI and chottey reunion, no Arnav Khushi happy ending...

  39. Just stumbled across this again. I hope you guys decide to continue this. I had really enjoyed reading this and I've probably read this last update at least 5 times just because I'm waiting for a continuation.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hi guys. ....please please please update.....u guys have created a mesmerising story line with arnav and khushi....atleast do one last update n finish it. ....we would be waiting for you people forever. ...

    Love you

  42. Hey, i don't know the status of the story but I would love if you guys could come back to this beautiful story and bring a closw to all these emotions that you have so beautifully aroused in all of us.
    Will look forward to you both coming back.

  43. when r u updating it

  44. What a story!! had read it earlier and was delighted to find it again!!
    Thank Thank u sooooo much!!
    Hope u get some time to complete it.
    Warm regards

  45. i just wish and hope that you guys come back and finish this one............... its jsut sooooooooooo jforuoerrpekfslgkpsauorigk........ i dont know how to explain it or have the right words to say but you both do soooo please come back to write.. and i'm just sooo on the edge about anjali's reaction everytime a i read this ... how will she react to arnav's 'Di'..... and most of all what will be khushi's reaction to this that arnav found one of his family member... or will she missunderstand the whole thing if he dicides not to tell her ...
    ohhhhhhhh you two please come back .....

  46. i just wish and hope that you guys come back and finish this one............... its jsut sooooooooooo jforuoerrpekfslgkpsauorigk........ i dont know how to explain it or have the right words to say but you both do soooo please come back to write.. and i'm just sooo on the edge about anjali's reaction everytime a i read this ... how will she react to arnav's 'Di'..... and most of all what will be khushi's reaction to this that arnav found one of his family member... or will she missunderstand the whole thing if he dicides not to tell her ...
    ohhhhhhhh you two please come back .....

  47. The number of times I've re-read this last chapter, hoping that there would be an update the next time I check, is ridiculous. I'd love to read more of this story. The conversation between Arnav and Anjali is bound to be a good one.

  48. Hello! Hope you will update. It's been ages, but then you did update the last few chapters after several years. Thanks

  49. So happy to see you back... Had no idea that you had updated... Will read and be back :)

  50. Hey!
    I came across your blog a couple of days ago and I'm hooked!! Your writing is incredible. The characters are so wonderfully portrayed, they seem so real and human with all their strengths and failings. I really hope you will complete the story! I can't wait to read what happens between arnav and Anjali next! Waiting with bated breath. I would also love to read any other works of yours, I haven't found links to anything else on this blog but I would love if you could direct me to your other stories. Thanks! Looking forward to the next update:)


  51. OMG read all the chapters oin one go....beautiful storytelling with all the ingredients of a best selling novel...don't know how I've never come across this story before....hope there'll b closure n the story completed....thank you for sharing a wonderful story written thus far...

  52. Where are you two awesome duo???i m totally in love with this ff .Stalking like a psycho. Please update the next part.its looong overdue now please come back n write......love both ov you..

  53. Love this story. Wish I could read more.

  54. Is there any chance of this story getting updated. You don't come across such beautiful pieces daily. I would love to see it completed.

  55. Omg I can't believe this amazing story exists and I never knew!! But you haven't finished it yet, and even though it's been so many years and the chances seem bleak... I hope you find it in yourself to complete this story! :)

    I would love to know more about ArShi, personally I think Arnav's getting it tooooo easy! I know it's Love & there's no competition in Love but Khushi has suffered unfathomable heartbreak and mental assault for so many years!!! That's got to leave a mark on one's emotional health and heart! The sadist in me wants Arnav to suffer at least for some time till he understands the impact of his every single word & action in Khushi's life!
    They need to have a conversation about all the heartbreak Khushi's been through for so many years. Also about how he rebuffed Khushi's confession earlier and also how he pulled that accident drama on Khushi!! That's literally psychological blackmail. And he's done a lot of that over the years on Khushi! Pathetic!
    He doesn't realise the depth of her emotions or values them enough, perhaps because he thinks she's still a child so her emtions aren't serious enough or for long-term so he's only focused on doing the best by himself for her...

    Also Arnav & Anjali.... OMG!! I was expecting an epic reaction, full of public display of affection etc but alas... You decided to stop writing!!

    1. Due to their relationship, i think he's like a parent who's blind to the fact that their child has now grown up and is capable of having in-depth feelings and complex emotions! His actions, unknowingly have bruised her for years, her scars haven't had the time to heal. He's mentally asaaulted her over and over again for so long, he can't possibly think that he can now have a normal relationship with her!?

  56. I cannot believe I found this story !!! It's sheer luck !!! What a journey these two have had. Such implicit trust and strong friendship. In the initial few chapters, it was amazing to see Khushi understand, resolve, admit and eventually accept her own feelings for Arnav - while Arnav underwent a moral struggle on whether it was right for him to feel that way for Khushi. But I am so so glad NK came to Khushi's rescue and helped give Arnav that one final push.

    NK in this story is such a sweetheart - I imagine him having a happily ever after with Payal.

    Arnav and Anjali meet each other, finally -- I wonder what happens, do they go back to being the siblings they were or has time and experienced changed them so much that they cannot find their past relationship anymore. Will Khushi and Shyam now help them become the family they deserve ?

    I know it's been a long time since this story has been updated. But dear writers, if and when you choose to come back, you shall find me awaiting to read it :)


  57. Please continue this story. I visit this blog every year hoping for some new chapters. Its unlike any other story i have ever read. My earnest request to continue this please.

  58. Guys please complete this one for God sake ...Its one of the very rare beautiful work

  59. Came across this wonderful story extremely captivating couldn’t put it down until the last chapter . Please come back and finish it .

  60. Wow its a really strange feeling to binge read and consume an unfinished fanfic from practically a decade ago! What a thrilling ride this was. The writing style is so evocative. The slow build up of tensions, the combination of comedy, drama, angst, and romance, its just in the right measure.

    Your characterization of Arnav and Khushi is just pitch perfect. Khushi, wise beyond her years emotionally, and yet so naive in her understanding of love/romance/sex, Arnav, forced to grow up so quickly, yet so immature in his handling of relationships. Such a paradox of how well they understand each other yet keep the distance of missed communications between them. But the enduring love they have for each other keeps pulling them through it all.

    Its so funny/sad how Arnav and Khushi are both acting on the same wrong assumption - that they need/love/want the other more than the other way round. They both have so many insecurities and unresolved traumas, they both DESPERATELY need therapy but are making do with the some times sweet, sometimes toxic dependency on each other!

    Payal/NK and Anjali/Shyam too have so many shades of complexities and poignant bitter sweet moments...I love how you explore the theme of love as a savior AND destroyer simultaneously through all 3 love stories...how the passion of love can hold you captive. And set you free.

    But just in case it could motivate you, you definitely have another fan who would loveeeee if this story was completed one day. But even if its not...its now one of my favorite Arshi fanfics for sure!

  61. I can't believe that I came across this 10 years since its publication. I was over the moon to read this only to come down to crashing when I realised that this was incomplete!! If you are reading this, I am sure many of your reader are still hoping that you would come around to complete this. Please come back, don't leave us hanging

  62. Will we ever get another update on this masterpiece

  63. We need moooooore. Read this seven times now hoping for more chapters

  64. This is a wonderful, well written story I just discovered. It’s been many years but I hope there is a chance you’ll finish it. Thank you.

  65. Sending my wish in this Universe hoping that ypu will continue! Just wow

  66. Always missing this story


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