
Chapter 28

4:37 AM

Mr. & Mrs  Akash Singh  the elegantly embossed gold and maroon linen envelope was addressed as - Payal laughed; tad bit hysterically - Mr. and Mrs. sounded so... so much like a team - so much like a relationship; instead of one involving a slave and her overlord; not even in the fun way. She laughed - thank God, she retained her sense of humor - thank God she did, because it scared her that she would break the moment she lost it.

She reached out to take it; elegant lotus fingers perfectly manicured - just as Akash liked them to be, heavily laden with gold bangles that she personally found to be distasteful - too nouveau riche. Then, she chuckled darkly, slowly caressing the linen envelope; savouring the textures against her finger - wasn’t that just what Akash was? Wasn’t that why he now strived so hard to belong? To be one of the elite rich? Wasn’t that why he had wooed and married Payal - the only daughter of the blue blooded, deeply traditional Rathores - knowing that much as he abused her - going home wasn’t an option for her? Yet, she found irony in the fact that much as he tried - he was still who he started out as and that infuriated him. It never made sense to her why Akash wanted her to dress like she was a cast right out of bad Saas-Bahu serials but then, maybe that was what his conception of being rich was. To show off to the world what he could do; how he could adorn his possession with more of his possessions. Did he think she didn’t know what he was thinking?

Payal turned around the envelope and caressed the peacocks again - richly coloured; elegantly arched, the raised borders felt lovely against her fingers and to her sensuous nature. Through all this, she smiled - her sense of humour had held her together - her ability to laugh at everything - to absurdize the darkest of moments - something, she thought with a smile, that was perhaps tinged with bitterness, for but a moment - something that she had learned from him. Nandkishore Singhaniya; she laughed again. Oh, how he had despised that name! Nandkishore. But... it suited him, didn’t it? With his Beautiful Brown and Golden eyes, his dimpled cheeks, ever-ready smile, his easy going nature... his lovely, sunny disposition. The naughty glint in his eyes, he really was every bit the Nandkishore. But he’d changed it to NK. And funnily enough, NK suited him too. She stared out, still caressing the envelope - he was a man like no other. He had loved her, she knew - just as she loved him still - although in the debate involving heart vs. duty; heart had ended up being the collateral damage. yet, he had understood. She knew he had; that it hadn’t been their time - he had come to her wedding; not to disrupt but, to console her - to make her laugh for the last time before she went on to sacrifice herself on the fire of family honor.

She smiled again, shaking her head; the much despised jhumkas she had worn as per her husband’s instructions rocked, ringing harshly; the weight making her earlobes ache. There was a scurrying down the stairs - like a rat, she smiled. He always moved like a rat, like if he gave an inch, someone would take off with all he owned. Why hadn’t she noticed that before? She composed her face, and lowered her head, slowly walking down to the dining hall. “Akashji?” she meekly called out. “There’s a letter for you,” she rolled her eyes secretly when his tall form now rose, and pompously strode towards her - knowing that stiff retribution would be had, if he saw.

“Who is it from, Payal?” he asked out and she rolled her eyes again, inwardly. “I’m not sure, Akashji,” she meekly handed him the linen envelope, “here, look at it...” He smiled at her approvingly. Akash would like to believe that he had married an uneducated girl, instead of one with a BA in Economics - because it soothed his ego to think so. He ripped into the beautiful envelope; as was his habit to; and exclaimed in satisfaction - “We’ve been invited to The Raizada Royale; Mumbai’s launch Payal. Go shopping soon. You have to dress suitably,” he walked away, no doubt elated that his standing in the society had been boosted. Payal shuddered in disgust; another night as Mrs. Payal Singh out and about in the society, pretending to laugh and enjoy it all - knowing what awaited her at home, if he was drunk, when he was drunk or even felt slighted even a tiny bit - she shuddered again, picking up the envelope - was it madness to hope that someday, her luck would turn? 

NK grinned down at the beautiful envelope, with his name- Mr. NK Singhania- embossed on it in an elegant script. Khushi had extracted a promise from him that he would be there, at the much awaited Launch of the very first Raizada Royale in Mumbai. Cheering for the Launch if the first ever Naivedyam incorporated in the Hotel. He’d had to reschedule his meetings for the launch- but she’d been adamant that she wanted him there... and well, who was he to deny her?  

He smiled at his PA as she brought in his coffee, informing him of the meetings that were scheduled throughout the Evening. He sighed and shook his head, reaching for the cup and putting it to his forehead, reveling in the  heat that spread over his skin. Coffee, always gave him the much needed patience to sit through these tedious Business Meetings, he’d found. He smirked slightly. No, she had told him that Coffee would do that. And he’d obeyed. She’d taught him Patience. Calmed him down somewhat... Maybe that was why he could wait for her so patiently.

He smiled, ruefully, at that thought. She would have smiled too, he knew. That sad, yet almost heartbreakingly beautiful smile of hers. Her dimples shallowly displayed as her rose-petal lips quirked up. Her Midnight black eyes shining. They always shone. He could still see them. In his dreams, in his mind, Always. Sighing, he got up and walked to the windows, the cup still held in his hand, massaging his forehead lightly, before he lowered it and took a sip. Looking out into the dusk that backed the serene Ocean. Wondering where she was, what she was doing... His Angel.

His eyes lowered, as he looked into the coffee, as that night from almost two years ago came back to him. It never went away, he amended. It was always there, fluttering at the edges, waiting to haunt him. Taunt him. That she was suffering through her life, while he could do nothing but think about her. Helpless. He shook his head again- A sad smile breaking through. Eyes glinting as he thought about the only woman he had loved. Who had made him and destroyed him, all at once. Payal. He sighed, would it be Madness to hope that someday they would be together? Because somewhere in his still heart, he did... and he didn’t really mind being called Mad, as long as he had her with him.  

She would stay, this time - in his fantasies. Waking him up in the morning to greet him; or maybe, he’d wake her - with kisses. They’d cook together at times, having his lovable father over - who would splutter at the outrageous things he said, and then, she would calm him down. They would joke, they would laugh, they would fight and then, they would make up - all through though - there would be love - never a drop would be lacking in it. There would be an overflow of happiness in the Singhaniya households that would come along with its new Lady; the tinkle of her laugh bringing in all the joys - more than their cups could hold. Then, NK would never be lonely again and neither would she be - she would lack nothing - not love, not affection and certainly not freedom, he shuddered. His little bird wouldn’t be caged.

There would be, he knew - lively arguments at the Singhaniya households - about everything. That’s how they were; after all and she would join in. No doubt she would take his father’s side in everything and Baba, hers - teaming up; ganging up on NK until he would want to yell in frustration but then she would come to him, hold him in her arms; soothing away all agitation, all hurt until only love remained. The house would tremble under little feets - his and hers little ones - each a definite and lasting symbol to all the love they have between them. After all, he smiled blindly; looking out the window - seeing into the past as he had last seen her, before her marriage - there would be nothing between them but sheer love. That’s how it should be and thats what they had always had between them. Whatever NK and Payal had lacked in their non-relationship; be it time, situation and what not, love had not been the issue - love had never been the issue or the problem between them. Love, NK knew, was something they would never lack between them - even a century later. He would make certain of it - she after all, deserved all that and more.

He stroked the envelope again. Mr. NK Singhaniya. Was it insane in wanting, for the split second for it to read - Mr & Mrs. NK and Payal Singhaniya here? He didn’t think so. Not after so long, anyway.

It had stung, when he had left like that. He had told her to trust him, hadn’t he? Then why had he done that? Why had he just left her behind? With Aman, she agreed that Aman was capable... but it had been them. Always, it had been them who had faced anything and everything. Together. Then, why had he left her today? She had donned her poker face of course. She’d learnt from the best, after all. She had put on her business face- calm and polite- and followed Aman, as he escorted her through the milling crowd of reporters as they shot question after baseless question at her. Silently. Her heart breaking inside her chest as her eyes never wavered from his form. Her eyes had followed him as he’d got into the waiting car, elegantly, gracefully. Not even once looking back at her. And her gut had clenched. Tears forming in her eyes. Had she already lost him? Was it going to be so short-lived?

But she had shaken her head and put it all behind her. She was not going to go back on her decision. Another thing he had taught her. Never step back. She would see it through. Because, really, did she even have any other option left?

She sighed as she laid her head back against the headboard and closed her eyes. Blocking the light from her Laptop that still sat in her lap, open and working. She was supposed to be working on the Boutique Hotel purchase deal for AR. But she couldn’t seem to concentrate tonight.  She was just too tired. Tired of it all. The Upcoming Launch. Managing Naivedyam. Handling AR. Her Life... their life.


Her eyes shot open, as she stiffened. His voice sounded hoarse, concerned... worried. There he was, standing, leaning against the doorjamb. His arms folded across his chest, his brows furrowed. Tension radiated from him in waves. She sat up straight, her heart hammering for some reason. What had happened?

“Arnav? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” she asked, her fatigue forgotten. Her brows furrowing, in imitation of his, as he walked to her bed- lowering himself down on it slowly, carefully. “Arnav?” she asked again, apprehension racing through her at the frustrated look that he was sporting- her eyebrows arching as he ran his hands through his hair in apparent agitation.

“A-arnav? Baby-?” and that’s when he lost his patience.

Before she knew what was happening, Arnav was lunging towards her- his hands gripping her arms in a vice-like grip, hauling her towards him. Laptop lying haphazardly on its side, as she was crushed against his hard unyielding form. His lips crushing hers in a bruising kiss. Her lips opened in a gasp- and he continued to devour her. His hands tightening around her. Coaxing her lips further apart, demanding her response- drawing it out of her feverishly. Her lids fell closed as her mouth moved against his. Her tongue tangling with his- as the hurt from the day, the insecurities about their... relationship, her frustration with her... their situation poured out of her. Dams broke, as they vented their feelings, still unspoken- but starkly evident now.

He pulled her flush against himself, letting her feel him; against her - his mouth on her neck, nibbling, scraping. She sat frozen as he backed away, slowly locking the door before stalking back towards her - his hands going to her buttons to undo them fast and efficiently. His mouth was on hers again, stroking - eliciting a response she didn’t quite want to give him - yet again. Yet he scraped, pulling it from somewhere deep inside, until she moaned and he smiled against her lips, triumphantly. Another battle won. She felt herself pulling him closer, dragging her fingers through his hair; trying to be rid of the burn in her - sizzling in her bloodstream - setting off little sparks everywhere he touched. Then, he lifted her up, setting her on his lap- a roguish grin on his strikingly handsome face again - parting her thighs as he made her straddle him.  She went this time, moth to a flame - craving the heat - the passion that came with this... this thing that was between them. That seemed to burn brighter than any conflagration that she had ever witnessed. She flexed her nails against his back, almost experimentally - feeling him breath sharply; revelling in the power she had over him, when he pulled her against him tighter. Just before covering her mouth with his, he whispered, “It’s never us against each other Khush, it never can be; it might be us against the world - but we still belong to each other, and always will...”  He pulled her under and she went this time; willingly - feeling as if the floodgates on her happiness had suddenly opened - drowning everything out but him.

There was just them, she knew - the rest could wait. This was... timeless.

Khushi had been waiting for him for ever it seemed. Where the hell was Arnav? She hadn’t seen him after they’d left AR... in fact, she hadn’t seen him after they’d left the Boardroom. Sighing she shot a glance at the Telephone again. She didn’t even know if he’d had anything to eat... She had just turned away and walked over to her bedroom when the phone rang- and she was beside it in a heartbeat.


She heard his chuckle from the other end, and closed her eyes. Relief. And then the anger took over. “Where have you been?” was her next question, her voice angry, her volume rising.

Khush, I’m a bit busy. Won’t be coming home tonight. Go through the Ashraya Developers contract for me?

He wouldn’t be coming home tonight? But... “But Arnav... Why? And where are you? I didn’t know you had a...” and that’s when she’d heard it.

ASR!” That husky feminine and unfamiliar voice from the other end. Distant, yet quite clear. And it felt as if her heart had dropped into her stomach.

“Ar-nav? Are you... Are you  with someone?” she asked then. Hoping for a negative answer. But her hopes (whatever little of them she’d had anyway) were dashed as she heard him sigh into the receiver.

“Yeah. Yes. It’s Prerna... Motwani. I’ll be er... staying at her place tonight, Khush.” He sounded almost apologetic and Khushi closed her eyes. Resisting the tears that were threatening to fall. Trying to tamp down the disappointment and hurt that was rising fast inside of her.

Read the contract Khush. Carefully. I’m depending on you here. I am only going to sign it when I get to the office tomorrow. And make sure you heat the food up before you eat. Or why don’t you just ask for Room Service tonight? Have something nice. Enjoy Baby- and go through it with a magnifying glass Khush, remember. I’m counting on you.”



“Coming! Khush, I need to get going. See you tomorrow. Take care Baby.”

And then he’d disconnected. Leaving her feeling wretched. Betrayed. For the very first time in the whole time that she’d spent with him, she’d felt disappointed, hurt by Arnav. By her Arnav.

She had gone through the Ashraya Developers Contract, with a magnifying glass as he’d told her to. Making notes. Eyes puffy. Crying, as she made cup after cup of coffee.

And he’d come in the next day. Smiling at her as she showed him the notes, and signing the pages with a flourish before he kissed her temple and walked off, smirking, as he walked off. Leaving her with a distinctly hollow feeling in her gut.

A chuckle gurgled through her chest as she remembered that first time she’d realized he was not all hers. And she felt his answering smile against her shoulder, his lips parting so that his teeth could lightly graze at her sensitive skin. Her laugh ending with a pleased sigh, as his lips travelled lower still...

Arnav loved the sound of her laughter. Had always loved it. Her skin felt like velvet against his lips. And he couldn’t help but nip at it, triumphing in the way she squirmed beneath him, the way she sighed his name. She was all his. And finally, she knew it. He had known it would only take a word for Khushi to understand him. Hadn’t it always been so?

Arnav sipped his coffee, as he listened to Khushi as she reported everything that she’d been looking through for the past week. She’d been convinced there was something wrong. Gut-feeling she had called it. And he’d dismissed it at first as her way of keeping his attention on her and AR. So he’d told her, rather sternly, to prove the gut-feeling. Businesses weren’t run on gut-feelings he’d told her. She’d stopped, her mouth falling open, her eyes had narrowed- her temper rising, as it had done for the smallest thing for some days- and then she’d turned on her heel with a curt- “Fine!” and walked off.

She hadn’t brought the subject up for the last 7 days, and then today, he’d found from Reena (His current PA) that Khushi had taken a appointment for today. A 4 hour appointment. And then when she’d walked in- she’d been all business. Files, pen-drives, she’d come prepared.

He listened to her, and the more he listened- the more he was convinced of some discrepancy. There was a big fuck-up coming his way. He looked up as she came around to him, and logged into the company’s financials with his username.

“See this?” she said, and his eyes had narrowed, as he finally could see concrete proof of where and how the company- their company- was being cheated.


He turned to her, and she had folded her arms across her chest. Her eyes blazing fire. “Businesses may not be run on Gut feelings, Arnav. But they do take you quite a way.”  

She’d turned away then, and he’d felt sick. She’d only been helping him- and he’d neglected her. Her... His Baby! Sighing, he’d let his head fall back.


He looked up as she stopped on her way to the door and turned. Her eyes still cold as ice chips. He sighed. “I... I am... I shouldn’t have...”

And her eyes had melted. A small smile had broken through. She had understood. And he’d smiled back.

“Come on. We’re gonna track this fucker and kick his ass. It’s gonna be Us against him Khush. And we’re gonna come through- Yeah?” He’d smirked at her, and she’d mirrored his smirk.

“Like Always.” She’d whispered, as she stalked back.

Like Always. He’d thought, as they’d set about tracking him. Set about saving the company they’d built up with their own sweat and blood.

Goddamned Motwani had almost robbed him off his own Company, the bastard had actually used his niece and his influence over Arnav as one of the old Board Members of the Royal Pride... Thank Heaven for Khush.

He looked down at her, her hair spread behind her in a velvet halo of Midnight Black, her lips all red and swollen, her eyes sparkling as she smiled up at him, and he bent down to peck her lips again. Their bodies dancing, sweat slicked, perfectly fitting before they came apart. Thank Heaven for Khush.

Khushi looked up at him, moving over her, leisurely, even as her gut coiled, tighter and tighter... her blood turning to overheated honey inside her veins, feeling his fingers tightening around hers as his eyes clashed with hers. His hair falling in his eyes, as he leaned down and nibbled on her bruised lips. Her lips opening in a wanton gasp, as she was pushed higher and higher. Her nails bit into his hand, as she could feel herself nearing the brink. Her hips rolled under him, and she felt him tense.

And then, they had come together again- fitting, only as they could. She felt him throbbing and pulsing inside of her, as she was finally pushed over the edge- her back arching as he buried his head in her neck, his lips closing around her hammering pulse, muffling his roar. Her eyes closed, as they were thrown into the world of pure heat and sparkling colors blinded her. Together, she chuckled again, as a delicious lethargy spread through her, Always together.

Khushi winked at Arnav, as she sneaked into the Manager’s Cabin in the Royal Pride- and saw him shake his head worriedly. He was not sure of her plan. Called it the Monkey Plan for some reason. She shook her head exasperatedly as she thought of the arguments he’d given against her plan. Shrugging it off, she quietly locked the door behind her and scurried to the Desk, fishing out the Account books she’d seen Mr. I’m-the-manager-so-obviously-I-own-the-place keeping there. Ha! we’ll just see who owns it, Asshole!  

She had photocopied the pages she needed and kept everything back in its place, before sneaking back quietly- even as Arnav tried desperately to keep the weird-toothed ugly Man that the Royal Prode had employed almost two decades ago as its Manager occupied. She threw him a thumbs-up sign, waving the sheets of accounts at him, before quietly sneaking away to their room. She loved Lunch times! The Assistants were all  too busy stuffing as much food as they could, and no one was really bothered about her comings and goings into their cabins. Well, good for her!

She looked up from the sheets she’d been studying intently, as she heard the muted thud of the door to their rooms, and smiled as Arnav came in.

“Khushi! That was-”

“Successful!” she laughed at him, as she waved the sheets in his face again. “We got him, Arnav!”

He frowned at her, as he took the papers, and looked at the parts she had highlighted. His expression lightening as he checked and rechecked, before a grin spread over his face. A bark of laughter escaping his chest, as he suddenly gathered her into his arms and almost crushed her in his hug.

“You did it!”

She frowned as she moved out of his arms, her hands coming up to rest on her hips. “We did. Together, remember?” she asked him sternly and he grinned down at her fondly. Kissing her temple, before he tucked her back into himself.

“Always.” he whispered back, and she smiled into his chest. It was true, after all.

She sighed, her eyes closing as another small chuckle escaped her. Ah, simpler times. She felt him settle beside her, his arm thrown over her stomach, his fingers tracing patterns at her waist, even as he turned his head towards her, cradled in one hand- resting on an elbow. She could feel his eyes on her face, and another slow chuckle gurgled through her.

“What?” he asked her, his voice hoarse- but she could hear the smile in it.

She shook her head, her eyes still closed, her lips still stretched in a smile. “Nothing,” she said, her eyes opening, dancing with mirth as she looked up at him. “Remember Mr. Gulshan?”

Arnav smiled down at her, shaking his head as he thought about the Man they’d caught cheating on his old Mentor and Boss, Malhotra. He’d been made Manager, as soon as they’d proved to old man Malhotra how his oldest Employee had been robbing him for almost one and a half decade. And all because of Khush’s monkey plan.

“You were such a Monkey.” he chuckled, as he looked down at her, and she laughed- huskily, sending a shiver up his spine. “But you were proud of me.” she told him, her hazel eyes twinkling up at him merrily, as he traced her lower lip with his thumb. “I’ll always be proud of you Khush.” he told her quietly, and he felt her smile falter- before it widened. Her eyes shining, with more than just the smile, he suspected.

“I was so proud of you, when you single-handedly handled the Hotel after he was kicked out.” she smiled, her hand coming up to cup his stubbled chin.

“We did it together, Khush. I told you, it’ll always be the world against us. It’ll always be us together.” he told her sincerely, and felt her thumb stop mid-stroke as she stroked his throat delicately. Her thumb resumed the movement, as she nodded and he gathered her in his arms, her satin skin whispering against his sensitized torso. Sending sparks shooting through him again. His heart finally at rest, as he realized they’d finally overcome that big obstacle that had been keeping them apart. Together.

It was true, after all.

He watched as she smiled, and slowly stood on her tiptoes, trying to reach for something at the topmost shelf in the kitchen - in an ideal world, he would have been the perfect husband, offering to help her; bring down whatever she needed in her tinkering about in the kitchen. Shyam however wouldn’t. The answer too was simple - it was just too much fun to watch her get flustered. Even more fun was the view - her luscious bottom wiggling, and jiggling under the Olive green Bengal Saurnachuri Handloom Silk saree - swaying, almost hypnotically - to his enormous pleasure. The silk cupped her in the right places - so lovingly! Almost as if it knew what he wanted to do - and did it in the public. Shyam grinned as she muttered, tightening the knot her hair was in, so that the smooth expanse of her back, framed by the mauve pink silk of her blouse stared back at him - buttery - it was almost as if the slightly moist skin was tempting him to touch it. She was wearing a pair of antique gold bangles - said to have made by his great-great grandfather for his wife - who subsequently ran away with his brother. Shyam grinned, hearing the bangles tinkle; the diamonds and the rubies made in the old kundala velai technique with three dimensional amrapallis constructed all over. The romantic that his Rani-Sahiba was, she would have taken them right out of her wrists and never worn them again; aghast - no doubt at what had happened with them but Shyam wouldn’t tell her - for some reason, he liked symbols of his heritage on her tiny wrists. Plus, why taint her soft heart with the darkness that haunted his family generation hence? She had, he noted, with some amusement, had found a low sitting settee and had proceeded to stand on it, no doubt to reach whatever she was searching for - that tiny person he called his wife. The whole time, Anjali was muttering darkly, no doubt casting aspersions to his gender for having the the temerity to deny helping her. Shyam chuckled out loud and she turned around to give him the evil eye, pouting; before turning back to searching for whatever she had set her heart on. Shyam slowly strode towards her and before she could realize what was going on, had swiftly pinched the offending part of her luscious anatomy that had been giving him such hard times. She squealed indignantly and he walked away to the sitting room; laughing hard.

On the landing, there was a Elgin Marble pedestal some enterprising ancestor had shipped from England while it was a fad in London, during the Victorian Era when they were steadily bringing them over from Greece. The rest may have gone back to where they belonged from London, but safe in the clutches of his greedy ancestor in India, the marble had stayed. Now, the pedestal was used as a mail stand - Shyam grinned - oh how the mighty had fallen! No doubt it was once used to hold the incense and offerings for various Gods and Goddesses and now it held the mail for the Manohar-Jha household - an apt analogy for life. There, sitting on top of his other mails he noted was a lovely wheat hued linen envelope with hand calligraphed Mr. & Mrs. Shyam Manohar Jha. He smiled, knowing the invite had arrived. He ripped away the flap and smiled again - reading the content.

“Rani Sahiba!” he called out to his miffed wife. “The inauguration of Naivedyam and Raizada Royale; Mumbai is coming up on the 31st... we have to be going!” He grinned at the muffled reply - no doubt condemning him to all kinds of hells - Anjali would love to go, he knew. Plus, he wanted to see what she made of the owner. Call it a Lawyer-Jeweller’s curiosity. Then, as he had thought before - and would no doubt think time and time again - there were certain similarities between Anjali Malek Jha and Arnav Singh Raizada - why not watch out for them as well? Curiosity; he smiled. What was a Lawyer without curiosity? Come to think of it, what was a jeweller without it as well? He smiled, caressing the embossed envelope.  

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  1. Hey glad to hear that your back....refreshed the old memories....can't wait to read more


  2. So glad that you are back... Really did miss this story...!Super excited to read the next update :)

  3. So glad to read that you are continuing this story, hope to read the next part soon, please.... Waiting for this story to move forever.

    Where can we get links to all your stories?


  4. Glad your back can't wait for the updates loving this f f

  5. m so glad your are back...pls continue this wonderful story.. - poojasidd123

  6. U are back so happy. ..feeling elated. ..thank u for coming back. ...I hope u update all the ffs...will be waiting

  7. Happy that you are back.......can't wait to read more:)

  8. awesome.. now this story can proceed.. super duper awesome

  9. Im so glad you are continuing this story, waiting for you to create more magic

  10. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up!

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  11. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up!

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  12. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up!

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  13. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up!

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  14. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up!

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  15. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up !

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  16. You guys are back !! *jumping up and down wiping away tears*...such a well written story needs to proceed further. Thank you for putting up on the blog. Let me know if you need anything at all...to keep this going and you got it! Love your writing keep it up !

    I have Khushi ke ansu in my eyes! :'D

  17. Hey...I simply love this story and would love to be notified for future updates....is it possible?

    1. just subscribe to this blog. You'll get a mail telling you of updates - if any :)

  18. where are u after coming back, feeling restless

  19. Yippee! Happy to know that u have put this FF on the blog.Hoping you continue soon where u left off.

  20. I am so happy to have you back .....we have been missing you too much.....and j have tp tell you are killing me with the anticipation of the event.....where they all meet...anjali n arnav......cant seem to wait. .


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