
Chapter 25

4:28 AM

She stood there, still as a statue carved out of Marble, her lips drawn in a thin line, as her Hazel eyes swept over the Zugzwang Formation he had laid out in front of her. Her slender pale nose flaring, her lips going pale, as a violent red color rose in her cheeks, and- Arnav smiled as he remembered this happening quite often over the years that they’d lived together- her nose tip. She was Angry. He could make it out alright. Her delicate shell shaped years were pink tinged at the very tips, her cheeks were a lovely shade of scarlet, Her nose was almost as red as the blooming roses in his terrace garden now, and it was still flaring. The piercing that she’d had done when she had been 17- stubbornly going against him and fighting him tooth and nail, until he finally gave in and let her have her way- now looking more pronounced. And he watched, silently, as those Hazel eyes flashed- dangerously... just the way he wanted them... just the way he liked it.

There was a reason that Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta had been able to live with each other, support each other and take care of each other for almost their entire lives. And that was- they had the other worked out completely, in their mind. No bars. She knew him- and He knew her. Inside Out. And Arnav Singh Raizada knew that to get Khushi to spill her guts, so to speak, he needed to make sure that she felt that one emotion, which she never could control. Anger. And the only way to Make Khushi uncontrollably angry was to either hurt Arnav Singh Raizada- or to trespass on her sole Pride and Joy, Naivedyam.

He had watched her from the corners of his eyes, as he struggled to tamp down the rising feeling of victorious glee inside him, when she had caught him going through the Naivedyam Folders she so immaculately maintained in her office. He had watched her, as she had struggled to control her outrage at what he was doing. He had watched her open her mouth, no doubt to ask him just exactly what the fuck he was doing, going through her Personal files like that. And then, he had made that move. The move that she had forced him into. He shrugged mentally, still observing her stiff form. It had been needed. She needed to be rattled once in a while, and- he smirked inwardly- this could also be counted as a revenge of sorts for what she had done to him just mere hours ago. She’d left him flailing, floundering- for the very first time in his life... and Arnav Singh Raizada always gave as good as he got. Always.

He decided she had been still for long enough now- he had let her have just a little less than enough time to gain her bearings, he didn’t want her to put on that poker face mask again, and that was why, he wasn’t going to let her have that opportunity. It was time for her move- and she would have to make it, even if he had to make her, Kicking and Screaming. And so, he stood up from her rather comfortable chair, and leaned against the Monstrosity of a Desk that she, weirdly enough, seemed to love. And he felt her eyes snap to his face, and away from that elaborate chess set she seemed to Prize above almost everything else she owned.

“I have a... ah... Business Proposition for you, Khushi.” He said delicately, an eyebrow arching upward as he said it, his eyes twinkling- with something indescribable. And as he watched her eyes widen infinitesimally, as he watched her breath hitch, the pulse in her neck skip a beat and then gallop forward almost instantly, he knew that she understood what he meant.

He watched her as she visibly gathered herself up. Her fists clenching at her sides, before she brought them up and folded her arms across her chest, drawing his eyes inevitably to the ragged rhythm of her heaving bosom, betraying the anxiety that she was trying to hide so desperately from him. He looked back at that small oval face, as she stuck her chin out,  in that typically-Khushi-Stubbornness pattern that he had come to realize... and somewhere, adore. Her still slightly pink nose in the air, as those perfect bow-shaped lips parted. Mesmerizing him. But he was brought back to the Earth quite abruptly, as he heard her snap at him. “What Business Proposition?” He almost smiled, as he heard the underlying tremble in her voice- making it glaringly obvious to him that she knew what he was talking about. You could fool anyone with that act Khush, not me. After all, you’ve learnt it all from me.

He buried his as yet folded hands in his trouser pockets, as he slowly walked out from behind the desk, and again had to stop himself from smiling victoriously as Khushi stepped back, apprehension clearly flitting across her features, before she turned away and strode to the Floor to Ceiling window of her Cabin, and looked out. He had to give it to her, she was excellent in keeping her feelings to herself- and not letting her anxiety on- to everybody, except him.

What Business Proposition are you talking about, Arnav?” She asked him yet again, a subtle scornful tone now imbibed perfectly into that question as she tried to shove him away from herself, mentally. And he shook his head, just an imperceptible shake, as he realized what she was trying to play at now, and yet feeling proud of her. She was his Baby, after all... even though the definitions might have changed somewhat along the line.

He sighed as he stepped behind her, feeling her stiffen ever so slightly at his proximity. “I was thinking Khushi,” he gently emphasized her name, his voice a husky caress, as he touched her shoulder and turned her around to face him- feeling the shiver that raked through her slight frame, “About the... merger,” he finally let a small smile spread across his features as he felt her tense. Stiff as a board, she took another step back from him, her hands shaking, as she shook his off her. And this time, she could not keep the tremor out of her voice, as she asked him- “Mer... Merger?

Arnav folded his arms again, his eyes boring into hers. Molten chocolate clashing with quicksilver Hazel, holding, locking- as a pulsing, erratic energy filled the space between them. He could see the emotions flickering through those beautiful Doe-eyes. The longing that he reciprocated, the regret that angered him, the helpless flash of guilt that confused him, and then the determination that till now he had admired, but today, he loathed with a passion. He saw the determined mask of professional indifference start to descend over her eyes, and he hastened forward. It would not do to let Her Royally Stubborn Highness try and screw this up all over again. He was not going to let her back out. Not now. Not when he had finally realized just how important she was for him to survive. Not when he had decided, finally, never to let her go away from him. Not Now, damn it!

“I want you, Khushi,” he lingered on that sentence meaningfully as he saw her breath hitch again, and then continued, “to consider the permanent merger, or shall I say, union of Naivedyam with the Raizada Royales. We could make it a venture of the AR Group. It would be profitable, for both parties.” He said, his eyes glinting now. The meaning behind his carefully chosen words clearly showing in those gold flecked Molten Caramel eyes. The charges flowing between them, the air between them suddenly felt thrice as heavy. He could see her heaving chest, her hands now tightly fisted, her eyes flashing as he saw the meaning sink into her, just half a moment later. He could almost see the cogs turning in that sharp mind of hers, the resolve forming, and Arnav could have sworn he knew the exact second when the decision was made.

She turned away again, then. Her hands still clutched into tight pale fists. Her eyes closed, her nose flaring, her breathing erratic. He saw small frown lines form at the corners of her eyes in her reflection, and sighed again. He knew the crescendo had started, it was close now.

He observed her, a spark of knowing amusement lighting his eyes up, as she took a deep breath and started speaking. “It is not about what you want me to do, Arnav. As the sole owner and Proprietor of Naivedyam,” Her voice had gained most of its professionality by now, he noted, “I will need time to consider, something like this. It would be a huge step- in the making or breaking of Naivedyam in the long run. Such steps cannot be taken... such decisions cannot be taken on the spur of the moment, Arnav. You should know that.”

Arnav smiled now, a satisfied, almost predatory flash of teeth. “Yes, Khushi. Decisions like these should never be taken hastily. And most important of all, never alone.” Her eyes snapped up then, meeting his in the glass reflection- aware of their proximity, aware of what he meant. “No successful business venture is ever a One Man Show, Khushi. You should know that.” he said, softly, his hand gently coaxing her to turn around again. “And you are not really the sole owner of the Restaurant Chain, Khush.” He continued, before she could interrupt him. “I’m a 35% Shareholder, which means every decision that involves Naivedyam will have to be first approved by me. And,” here he took a hold of her shoulder firmly with one hand, even as he raised the other to gently cup her chin- looking straight into her eyes, as his voice dropped to but a husky whisper, “Khushi, I would like to think, that I’m a shareholder of something much more important than just 35% of Naivedyam.”

Her eyes shone, with just a hint of moisture... regret blazing through those Hazel orbs, something Arnav knew he could never bear to see there. She would never regret being with him. He would never let her. His hands cupped her cheeks of their own accord, as he moved another step forward, their chests almost touching, their faces only inches apart. His eyes darted to those lush pink lips, as they parted- breathlessly almost. He could feel every breath of hers, fanning his face, as he moved forward.

He saw her eyes dropping shut, her long black lashes fluttering against the cream of her cheeks, and a thrill shot through him. He needed her... Oh how he needed her! He swallowed then, thickly, his eyes unable to tear away from the invitingly beautiful sight she presented. And his head dipped, his lips but a breath away from hers, half a breath away now.... And he couldn’t stop himself as a sigh escaped him.


And that was all it took for her eyes to snap open. For reality to come crashing back... accompanied by sanity.

Khushi couldn’t believe she had let herself be lulled into that trap again. She couldn’t believe that she had almost ruined everything she had vowed not to, only because of those damned Molten Chocolate eyes and that thrice damned voice. She didn’t know about Arnav Singh Raizada, but right about now, she hated the emotion called Love. She hated it with a Passion.  She closed her eyes, fully aware of his scorching gaze on her. She shivered involuntarily, as she opened them, and saw his lingering over her lips. Intense. Too Intense for her liking. Shaking her head, trying to gather her scattered wits, cursing him for knowing her so well, for throwing her off her game, for catching her off-guard, she sent up a small prayer for Strength. She needed it. This one conversation- that she would have happily foregone, but was quite out of luck- would either break or make their relationship. Which meant, this moment in time- this one moment would decide her life. Because she knew with as much certainty as she knew her own name, that Khushi Kumari Gupta would never exist without Arnav Singh Raizada. Simply put- He was her Life. And she was not going to lose him... herself.

“Arnav...” she started, her voice calm, her eyes steady as she looked into his- and he interrupted her again.

“Khushi.” His voice was firm, brooking no arguments. Just like he had done during her 12th Boards. Just like he had done whenever he had taken a life-changing decision for them... just like all those times. Her mouth snapped shut, as he took another step towards her. His head tilted, his eyes intense, His hands clenching shut around her upper arms, drawing her towards him. “I’m not letting you run away from this. I won’t let you make that mistake.”

And at those words, Khushi felt something inside her Snap. He was talking about not running away? He? Arnav Fucking Escapist Singh Raizada? Oh The Hypocrite! And Mistake? Did he even know what mistake he was inviting her into making?! She couldn’t believe he was saying all this! He didn’t even... And as her thoughts slowly but surely spiralled out of control, all Khushi saw was Red.

It was perhaps just as well that Arnav Singh Raizada had the reflex of a damned cat because when Khushi’s fuming face hardened; concrete-like, and hand arose, like a coiled snake about strike, he stepped back just as her open palm whooshed just past his face. Arnav smiled, looking at her incensed face. Eyes reddened, lips quivering. There was something very desirable about a woman giving into her passions - be what they may. Arnav unwillingly smiled into her eyes again, this time igniting her fury even further. Khushi’s hand almost connected this time - so vicious and fast was her reaction to his smile. She misunderstood, he knew. That being said, it didn’t make her fury any less violent. When he stopped her hand, midair, the force of it vibrated against him. Her fury making her quiver like a finely drawn, tightly pulled arrow.

And that made Arnav Singh Raizada want her even more in that moment.

Khushi’s eyes widened as he held her wrist in an unbreakably firm hold, and the small smirk that she could see in his eyes, threatening to break out tipped her Anger over yet again- much more violently. And so, in an understandable motion, her other hand lifted. To finish off what the first could not. Unfortunately though, Arnav Singh Raizada, apart from having quick as a lightning reflexes, also knew her quite well. And so- it should not have really come as much of a surprise when the other hand was stopped in mid-air too.

Her eyes blazed with unbridled fury as she stood there, almost plastered to him, her hands pinned his firm hold in air, as his eyes locked with hers. The amusement that she had seen there a second ago completely absent as his face inched closer to hers. Her lashes fluttered helplessly, her pulse quickening rapidly, her body flushing, even as a white hot pulse of raging desire shot through her. And then, his lips were upon hers.

Those beautifully soft, indecently luscious, full lips were moving against hers, coaxing them open as he gently grazed his teeth along her bottom lip,until sinking into it, making her shudder. His tongue snaking into her mouth, meeting hers, mating with it, exploring her as he had never done. And she could do nothing but stand there helplessly. Helpless to his charms... to her love. She knew not, when he released her hands and when they travelled to be around his neck, her fingers playing idly with the fine hair at the nape as she responded in kind. And as she felt herself pull him closer, her hands now clutching at his shoulders, his hands grazing her sides as they ran up and down her form, everything but the feel of him was chucked out of her head. The way that lean athletic body of his felt under her curious wandering fingers. The way she felt when he growled at the back of his throat- the way she felt when she realized that it was his reaction to her; Because of her. Her hands travelled down his back and up again, one clutching the silky locks of Midnight black hair while the other came around to graze across the taut expanse of his chest. And she felt more than heard him moan- a low pleasure filled sound that set her aflame. A suddenly, she was up against the wall, the breath knocked out of her lungs, as she looked up into Honey tinged eyes, that were dark with desire. Desire for her. And as her fogged mind closed down further, she grappled to remember what they said... what was it, really? Oh yes. Carpe Diem, Khushi. Carpe Diem.

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